17 February 2013

Inside Out

A few bloggers have been doing a '25 facts about me' post lately and I've found them really interesting to read. Two of my favourite blogs have got in on the act and it's inspired me to do my own :) You can have a read of theirs here.. a rosie outlook and lily loves lola. I've tried to think of 25 things that most of you probably won't know about me, or you at least won't know all of them. Hopefully you enjoy being nosy as much as I did reading everyone elses :)

1. I was born in Wolverhampton. My Mum is from Wolverhampton and my Dad is from Consett near Durham. I recently worked out that if you look at my Grandparents, I am 50% northern, 25% midlander and 25% southern. So it's kind of fate that I've found myself living up north.

2. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I can't focus on anything until I have eaten breakfast. I am a fan of a leisurely breakfast and I would rather get up earlier and make time to eat. How seriously yum does this breakfast look? My Sundays are always sunny side up :) or some other happy equivalent.

3. My favourite number is three; because it is magic of course. I also like the number seven, because J.K. Rowling has made it a magic number too.

4. I have been on plenty of holidays thanks to Mum and Dad, but I have NEVER been out of Europe. I always have major wanderlust going on and I have a list as long as my arm of places I want to go. Even the North Pole.

5. As a kid, when I thought about what I wanted to be when I grew up, I wanted to be Lara Croft. Who wouldn't want to run around and go on adventures and find cool historic stuff? I don't think I'd be comfortable shooting people or tigers though.

6. I love to go on walks. Not in towns though, it has to be a forest, fields, hills, beaches, waterfalls, moors, cliffs or other beautiful natural places. One of my favourite places ever is Cannock Chase, I have been there with my family more times than I could count.

7. I really can't stand touching wet unvarnished wood. Wooden spoons and washing up always added up to a fearful experience back at home. I once wrote this on a piece of paper in a lecture about our 'fears' in freshers and it  dropped onto our bathroom floor; it really freaked Leah out when she found it and read it.

8. I used to go to air cadets. Not a lot of people know this, probably because it was very short lived.

9. I had my first kiss when I was thirteen, it was by a tree at my local park on a very sunny day. I thought this was the most romantic thing that had ever happened to anybody.

10. I am a well known picture ruin-er. This is not something I am proud of.

11. As a teenager I wanted to be a journalist. Once I sent a funny story, about a boy at school with a bad runny nose, into Sugar magazine and it got published. I wish I'd have kept it because nobody will believe me now.

12. I haven't seen a bunch of films that apparently 'everyone' has seen. Home Alone, is an example. I didn't watch Titanic until I was about 15 either.

13. I have a doppelganger who is a music festival organiser. My sister was reading a magazine and thought I'd run off and become a model. The tattoos give it away though as I am ink free :)

14. I want to be a vegetarian. My diet is probably 90% veggie, but I love bacon and chicken too much to possibly go the whole hog. Ha ha ha, bad pun.

15. In High School I got bullied and talked about for all kinds of reasons. Being tall, being clever, having a boyfriend, finally growing some actual boobs at 17... you name it, there were stories. I'm weirdly quite grateful for it now though because it made me much stronger and more self assured than I would have been.

16. I had bad skin growing up and I eventually started covering it up with loads of make-up. When I look back now though I realise that I actually had nothing to worry about at all, I looked fine make-up free!

17. When I was in year 11 I didn't send anyone a christmas card because I'd just started being obsessed with eco-friendly stuff. Instead for every card I recieved I donated 20p to the World Wildlife Fund. I only raised about a fiver, but I was proud nonetheless.

18. I am really nervous when I meet people's dogs for the first time. I was once chased by a dog in Spain that managed to jump through a gate. It was tiny but the mental scars are HUGE.

19. Me and my sister Nikki definitely have ESP (extra sensory perception) which is a twin thing. Even though we are two and half years apart. We look so different but our brains just tick in the same way; we can finish off sentences, we can come out with the same jokes and we will reply to questions in the exact same way. Weeeeeeird!

20. When I was seven I was showing off swinging from the top bar of my swing and I fell. I had to go in an ambulance because my Mum thought I'd broken my rib and punctured a lung. I was very lucky and had just winded myself... I still don't recommend doing it though

21. I have believed in God since he helped me pass my driving test with only one minor. It was the first time I had genuinely prayed since being a child and it had a great outcome :) I'm not religious but I do believe that there is a mightier power at work here!

22. On my bedside table you will find; a lamp, a box of tissues, a candle, a junk bowl, a buddha, lucky gems (for wisdom and luck) and some Guatemalan worry people in a bag. Sometimes there is a cup of tea or a glass of juice.

23. I once had a really vivid dream that I was living in a beautiful house in Australia with a husband and we were eating breakfast before work. Deep down I hope that this was a psychic vision and not just a dream.

24. I am an adrenaline junkie deep down; if there is something I can climb on or jump off, I'd probably do it. Surprisingly I have never broken a bone, touch wood!

25. I once made a list of all the reasons I shouldn't get back with my ex boyfriend for me to read if I had a moment of madness. These included "he disliked France for no reason", "he didn't like Harry Potter" and "his surname wouldn't make a good teacher name". Clearly I am not easily pleased ;)

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